Invitation for Bids: For Supply of PE Pipes and Fittings, and Pipeline Mounting Work

Invitation for Bids (IFB)


Supply of PE Pipes and Fittings, and Pipeline Mounting Work,


Sipanik Artesian Well Optimization / Irrigation Rehabilitation Project

 IFB # 170818-02

ASPIRED is soliciting Bids for the supply of PE pipes and fittings and provision of PE pipe welding and pipeline mounting work under a broader project on optimization of artesian well and irrigation rehabilitation in Sipanik Village.  Submission instructions and other technical details related to this solicitation in the attached document:Sipanik_pipes_IFB_eng

Bids must be submitted no later than 17:00, Yerevan Time, on August 31, 2018. Each bidder must submit one hard copy of the bid to USAID ASPIRED Project office at CITADEL Business Center, 105/1, Teryan Street, Suite 204, Yerevan.